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Journal Article
Infiltration and runoff generation processes in fire-affected soils, Moody, J.A., and Ebel B.A. , Hydrological Processes, Volume 28, Issue 9, (2014)
Improving stream studies with a small-footpring green lidar, J., McKean, Isaak D., and Wright W. , Eos, Volume 90, Issue 39, (2009) PDF icon McKean_2009.pdf (144.66 KB)
Impacts of erosion control treatments on native vegetation recovery after severe wildfire in the Eastern Cascades, USA., Dodson, E.K., Peterson D.W., and Harrod R.J. , International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 19, (2010) PDF icon Dodson_2010.pdf (2.67 MB)
Hyper-dry conditions provide new insights into the cause of extreme floods after wildfire, Moody, J.A., and Ebel B.A. , Catena, Volume 93, (2012)
Hydrologic conditions controlling runoff generation immediately after wildfire, Ebel, B.A., Moody J.A., and Martin D.A. , Water Resources Research, Volume 48, (2012) PDF icon Ebel_2012B.pdf (2.17 MB)
Hydrologic and erosion responses to wildfire along the rangeland-xeric forest continuum in the western US: a review and model of hydrologic vulnerability, Williams, C.J., Pierson F.B., P.R. Robichaud, and Boll J. , International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 23, (2014) PDF icon Williams_2014.pdf (3.24 MB)
How do sediment yields from post-wildfire debris-laden flows depend on terrain slope, soil burn severity class, and drainage basin area? Insights from airborne-LiDAR change detection, J.D., Pelletier, and Orem C.A. , Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Volume 39, (2014) PDF icon Pelletier_Orem_2014.pdf (1.51 MB)
Geologic versus wildfire controls on hillslope processes and debris flow initiation in the Green River canyons of Dinosaur National Monument, Larsen, I.J. , Geomorphology, Volume 81, p.127, (2006) PDF icon Larsen_2006_Geomorphology.pdf (1.44 MB)
Fostering post-wildfire research, Moody, J.A., Martin D.A., Robichaud P.R., and Shakesby R.A. , Eos, Volume 95, Issue 4, (2014) PDF icon Moody_2014.pdf (54.68 KB)
Fish and stream habitat risks from uncharacteristic wildfire: Observations from 17 years of fire-related disturbances on the Boise National Fores, Idaho., Burton, T.A. , Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 211, (2005) PDF icon Burton_2005.pdf (335.91 KB)
The fire pulse: wildfire stimulates flux of aquatic prey to terrestrial habitats driving increases in riparian consumers, Malison, R.L., and Baxter C.V , Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Volume 67, (2010) PDF icon Malison_Baxter_2010.pdf (1010.49 KB)
Fire effects on aquatic ecosystems: an assessment of the current state of the science, Bixby, R.J., Cooper S.D., Gresswell R.E., Brown L.E., Dahm C.N., and Dwire K.A. , Freshwater Science, Volume 34, Issue 4, (2015) PDF icon Bixby_2015.pdf (253.6 KB)
Fire and aquatic ecosystems of the western USA: current knowledge and key questions, Bisson, P.A., Rieman B.E., Luce C., Hessburg P.F., Lee D.C., Kershner J.L., Reeves G.H., and Gresswell R.E. , Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 178, (2003) PDF icon Bisson_2003.pdf (301.49 KB)
Fertilization and seeding effects on vegetative cover after wildfire in north-central Washington state, Peterson, D.W., Dodson E.K., and Harrod R.J. , Forest Science, Volume 55, Issue 6, (2009) PDF icon Peterson_2009.pdf (2.57 MB)
Extreme water quality degradation following a catastrophic forest fire, Dahm, C.N., Candelary-Ley R.I., Reale C.S., Reale J.K., and Van Horn D.J. , Freshwater Biology, Volume 60, (2015) PDF icon Dahm_2015.pdf (2.71 MB)
Evaluation of the post-fire erosion and flood control works in the area of Cassandra (Chalkidiki, North Greece), Aristeidis, K., and Vasikiki K. , Journal of Forestry Research, Volume 26, (2015) PDF icon Aristeidis_Vasiliki_2015.pdf (1.67 MB)
Evaluating the effectiveness of wood shred and agricultural straw mulches as a treatment to reduce post-wildfire hillslope erosion in southern British Columbia, Canada, Robichaud, P. R., Jordan P., Lewis S. A., Ashmun L. E., Covert S. A., and Brown R. E. , Geomorphology., Volume 197, (2013) PDF icon Robichaud_2013B.pdf (922 KB)
Evaluating pre- and post-fire peak discharge preditions aross Western U.S. watersheds, Kinoshita, A. M., Hogue T.S., and Napper C. , Journal of American Water Resources Association, Volume 50, (2014) PDF icon Kinoshita_2014.pdf (1.09 MB)
Empical models to predict the volumes of debris flows generated by recently burned basins in the western U.S. , J.E., Gartner, Cannon S.H., Santi P.M., and Dewolfe V.G. , Geomorphology, Volume 96, (2008) PDF icon Gartner_2008.pdf (1.57 MB)
Emergency post-fire rehabilitation treatment effects on burned area ecology and long-term restoration, Robichaud, P.R., Lewis S.A., Brown R.E., and Ashmun L.E. , Fire Ecology, Volume 5, Issue 1, (2009) PDF icon Robichaud_2009.pdf (1.82 MB)
Effects of wildfire on soils and watershed processes, Ice, G.G., Neary D.G., and Adams P.W. , Journal of Forestry, Volume 102, Issue 6, (2004) PDF icon Ice_2004.pdf (2.68 MB)
Effects of post-wildfire erosion on channel environments, Boise River, Idaho, Benda, L., Miller D., Bigelow P., and Andras K. , Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 178, (2003) PDF icon Benda_2003.pdf (645.13 KB)
The effects of log erosion barriers on post-fire hydrologic response and sediment yield in small forested watersheds, southern California, Wohlgemuth, P.M., Hubbert K.R., and Robichaud P.R. , Hydrological Processes, Volume 15, Issue 15, (2001) PDF icon Wohlgemuth_2001.pdf (432.65 KB)
Effects of hydromulch on post-fire erosion and plant recovery in chaparral shrublands of southern California, Hubbert, K.R., Wohlgemuth P.M., and Beyers J.L. , International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 21, (2012) PDF icon Hubbert_2012.pdf (706.34 KB)
Effects of fire on fish populations: landscape perspectives on persistence of native fishes and nonnative fish invasions, Dunham, J.B., Young M.K., Gresswell R.E., and Rieman B.E. , Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 178, (2003) PDF icon Dunham_2003.pdf (226.35 KB)
The effect of hydrophobic substances on water movement in soil during infiltration, DeBano, L.F. , Soil Science Society of America Journal, Volume 35, (1971) PDF icon DeBano_1971.pdf (141.75 KB)
Drainage networks after wildfire: International Journal of Sediment Research, Kinner, D.A., and Moody J. A. , International Journal of Sediment Research, Volume 20, Issue 3, (2005)
Difference infiltrometer: a method to measure temporally variable infiltration rates during rainstorms, Moody, J.A., and Ebel B.A. , Hydrological Processes, Volume 26, Issue 21, (2012) PDF icon Moody_Ebel_2012.pdf (587.79 KB)
Current research issues related to post-wildfire runoff and erosion processes, Moody, J.A., Shakesby R.A., Robichaud P.R., Cannon S., and Martin D.A. , Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 122, (2013) PDF icon Moody_2013.pdf (3.53 MB)
Critical shear stress for erosion of cohesive soils subjected to temperature typical of wildfires, Moody, J. A., Smith D. J., and Ragan B. W. , Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 110, (2005) PDF icon Moody_Smith_2005.pdf (232.89 KB)
Conditions for generation of fire-related debris flows, Capulin Canyon, New Mexico, Cannon, S.H., and Reneau S.L. , Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Volume 25, (2000) PDF icon Cannon_Reneau_2000_Earth_Sur_Proc.pdf (570.45 KB)
Comparison of soil infiltration rates in burned and unburned mountainous watersheds, Martin, D. A., and Moody J. A. , Hydrological Processes, Volume 15, (2001) PDF icon Martin_Moody_2001.pdf (248.36 KB)
Characterizing the primary material sources and dominant erosional processes for post-fire debris-flow initiation in a headwater basin using multi-temporal terrestrial laster scanning data, Staley, D.M., Wasklewicz T.A., and Kean J.W. , Geomorphology, Volume 214, (2014) PDF icon Staley_2014.pdf (5.66 MB)
Cascading consequences of climate change and expanding population on the threat of wildfire and post fire debris-flow hazards, Western U.S., Cannon, S.H., and DeGraff J. , Landslides-Disaster Risk Reduction, (2009) PDF icon Cannon_Degraff_2008.pdf (5.41 MB)
The BAER Team: Responding to Post-Fire Threats, Kuyumjian, G. , Southwest Hydrology, (2004)
Assessment of wildland fire impacts on watershed annual water yield: Analytical framework and case studies in the United States, Hallema, D.W., Sun G., Caldwell P.V., Norman S.P., Cohen E.C., Liu Y., Ward E.J., and McNulty S.G. , Ecohydrology, (2016)
After the fire is out, LeQuire, E. , Fire Science Digest, Volume 10, (2011) PDF icon LeQuire_2011.pdf (1.73 MB)
Conference Proceedings
Wildfire impacts on reservoir sedimentation in the western United States, Moody, J. A., and Martin D. A. , Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Yichang, China, (2004) PDF icon Moody_Martin_2004.pdf (76.65 KB)
Response of vegetation, soil nitrogen, and sediment transport to a prescribed fire in semiarid grasslands., White, Carleton S., Loftin Samuel R., and Hofstad Steven. , 1999, (1998) PDF icon White_1999.pdf (330.31 KB)
Post-wildfire watershed flood responses, Neary, D.G., Gottfried G.J., and Ffolliott P.F. , Proceedings of the 2nd International Fire Ecology Conference, Orlando, Florida, (2003) PDF icon Neary_2003.pdf (248.23 KB)
Plot-scale sediment transport processes on a burned hillslope as a function of particle size, Moody, J. A. , Proceedings of the 4th Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference and of the 9th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Las Vegas, NV, (2010) PDF icon Moody_2010.pdf (131.56 KB)
Gully erosion after wildfire, Moody, J. A., and Kinner David A. , Proceedings Third International Symposium on Gully Erosion, Oxford, Mississippi, (2004) PDF icon Moody_Kinner_2004.pdf (134.49 KB)
Conference Paper
Using BAER Reports to Investigate Recreation Impacts of Fire Events, D.J., Chavez, and McCollum D. , Proceedings of the Fourth Social Aspects and Recreation Research Symposium, San Francisco, California, (2004) PDF icon Chavez_McCollum_2004.pdf (237.59 KB)
Sediment transport regimes after a wildfire in steep mountainous terrain, Moody, J. A. , Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Reno, Nevada, (2001) PDF icon Moody_2001.pdf (550.71 KB)
Rock gabion, rock armoring, and culvert treatments contributing to and reducing erosion during post-wildfire flooding - Schultz Fire 2010, Neary, Daniel G., Koestner Karen A., and Youberg Ann , Proceedings of the 3rd International Meeting of Fire Effects on Soil Properties, Guimaraes, Portugal, (2011) PDF icon Neary_2011.pdf (792.84 KB)
Quick response small catchment monitoring techniques for comparing postfire rehabilitation treatment effectiveness, Robichaud, P.R., and Brown R.E. , Proceedings of the first interagency conference on research in the watersheds, Tucson, (2003) PDF icon Robichaud_Brown_2003.pdf (144.6 KB)
Protection from erosion following wildfire, Robichaud, P.R., and Elliot W.J. , ASABE Annual International Meeting, Portland, OR, (2006) PDF icon Robichaud_Elliot_2006.pdf (858.99 KB)
The flux and particle size distribution of sediment collected in hillslope traps after a Colorado wildfire, Martin, D. A., and Moody J. A. , Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Reno, Nevada, (2001) PDF icon Martin_Moody_2001B.pdf (533.55 KB)
Field validation of Burned Area Reflectance Classification (BARC) products for post fire assessment, Hudak, A.T., Robichaud P.R., Evans J.B., Clark J., Lannom K., Morgan P., and Stone C. , Remote sensing for field users; proceedings of the tenth Forest Service remote sensing applications conference, Salt Lake City, UT, (2004) PDF icon Hudak_2004.pdf (535.87 KB)
Experimental fire in two different grassland ecosystems in the Southwestern United States, Ford, Paulette, Calabrese Laura, Collins Scott, and Kearney Don , Proceedings of 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, Spokane, Washington, (2011) PDF icon Ford_2011.pdf (115.98 KB)


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