Fostering post-wildfire research,
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Post-fire bedload sediment delivery across spatial scales in the interior western United States,
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Current research issues related to post-wildfire runoff and erosion processes,
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Tools to aid post-wildfire assessment and erosion-mitigation treatment decisions,
, International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 22, (2012)
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Emergency post-fire rehabilitation treatment effects on burned area ecology and long-term restoration,
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JFSP Final Report: Post-fire erosion and effectiveness of emergency rehabilitation treatments over time,
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Predicting postfire erosion and mitigation effectiveness with a web-based probabilistic erosion model,
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Protection from erosion following wildfire,
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Measurement of post-fire hillslope erosion to evaluate and model rehabilitation treatment effectiveness and recovery,
, International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 14, (2005)
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Quick response small catchment monitoring techniques for comparing postfire rehabilitation treatment effectiveness,
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