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Post-wildfire erosion in the Chiricahua Mountains,
, Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III and 7th Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts, Number RMRS-P-67, Fort Collins, CO, (2013)
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The effects of fire on soil hydrologic properties and sediment fluxes in chaparral steeplands, southern California,
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Rehabilitation strategies after fire: the California, USA experience,
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The effectiveness of aerial hydromulch as a post-fire erosion control treatment in southern California,
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Water quality impacts of forest fires,
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Postfire Rehabilitation of the Hayman Fire,
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Measurement of post-fire hillslope erosion to evaluate and model rehabilitation treatment effectiveness and recovery,
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Quick response small catchment monitoring techniques for comparing postfire rehabilitation treatment effectiveness,
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Protection from erosion following wildfire,
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Predicting postfire erosion and mitigation effectiveness with a web-based probabilistic erosion model,
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Evaluating the effectiveness of postfire rehabilitation treatments,
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Tools to aid post-wildfire assessment and erosion-mitigation treatment decisions,
, International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 22, (2012)
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Evaluating the effectiveness of wood shred and agricultural straw mulches as a treatment to reduce post-wildfire hillslope erosion in southern British Columbia, Canada,
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A synthesis of post-fire Burned Area Reports from 1972 to 2009 for western US Forest Service lands: Trends in wildfire characteristics and post-fire stabilisation treatments and expenditures,
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Post-fire mulching for runoff and erosion mitigation; Part I: Effectiveness at reducing hillslope erosion rates,
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Short-term effects of wildfires on fishes in the southwestern United States, 2002: management implications,
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Status of native fishes in the western United States and issues for fire and fuels management,
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Effects of three mulch treatments on initial postfire erosion in north-central Arizona,
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Effectiveness monitoring for the aquatic and riparian component of the Northwest Forest Plan: conceptual framework and options,
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Controls on post-fire erosion at the hillslope scale, Colorado Front Range,
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Fertilization and seeding effects on vegetative cover after wildfire in north-central Washington state,
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Recent trends in post-wildfire seeding in western US forests: costs and seed mixes,
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Field guide for mapping post-fire soil burn severity,
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Sediment Availability on burned hillslope,
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Rock gabion, rock armoring, and culvert treatments contributing to and reducing erosion during post-wildfire flooding - Schultz Fire 2010,
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Burned area emergency watershed rehabilitation: Program goals, techniques, effectiveness, and future directions in the 21st Century,
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Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on soils and water,
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Post-wildfire watershed flood responses,
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Post-fire rill and gully formation, Schultz Fire 2010, Arizona, USA,
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Burned saguaro: Will they live or die?,
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Burned Area Emergency Response Treatments Catalog,
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Vegetation response after post-fire mulching and native grass seeding,
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Initial hydrologic and geomorphic response following a wildfire in the Colorado Front Range,
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