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Pre- and postfire distribution of soil water repellency in a steep chaparral watershed,
, Proceedings of the 2002 Fire Conference: Managing fire and fuels in the remaining wildlands and open spaces of the Southwestern United States, Number Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-189, Albany, CA, (2008)
Hubbert_2008.pdf (822.17 KB)

Post-wildland fire desertification: Can Rehabilitation treatments make a difference?,
, Fire Ecology, Volume 5, Issue 1, (2009)
Neary_2009.pdf (731.32 KB)

Post-wildfire watershed flood responses,
, Proceedings of the 2nd International Fire Ecology Conference, Orlando, Florida, (2003)
Neary_2003.pdf (248.23 KB)

Post-wildfire erosion response in two geologic terrains in the western USA,
, Geomorphology, Volume 95, (2008)
Moody_2008B.pdf (761 KB)

Post-wildfire erosion in the Chiricahua Mountains,
, Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III and 7th Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts, Number RMRS-P-67, Fort Collins, CO, (2013)
Youberg_2013.pdf (1.07 MB)

Post-fire soil erosion and how to manage it,
, Fire Science Brief, Volume 69, (2009)
Delwiche_2009.pdf (527.18 KB)

Postfire seeding for erosion control: effectiveness and impacts on native plant communities,
, Conservation Biology, Volume 18, Issue 4, (2004)
Beyers_2004.pdf (144.27 KB)

Post-fire runoff and erosion from simulated rainfall on small plots, Colorado Front Range,
, Hydrological Processes, Volume 15, (2001)
Benavides-Solario_MacDonald_2001.pdf (4.04 MB)

Post-fire runoff and erosion from rainfall simulation: contrasting forests with shrublands and grasslands,
, Hydrological Processes, Volume 15, (2001)
Johansen_2001.pdf (143.51 KB)

Post-fire rill and gully formation, Schultz Fire 2010, Arizona, USA,
, Geoderma, Volume 191, (2012)
Neary_2012.pdf (1.46 MB)

Postfire Rehabilitation of the Hayman Fire,
, Hayman Fire Case Study, Number RMRS-GTR-114, (2003)
Robichaud_2003.pdf (2.42 MB)

Post-fire, rainfall intensity-peak discharge relations for three mountainous watersheds in the western USA,
, Hydrological Processes, Volume 15, (2001)
Moody_Martin_2001.pdf (186.44 KB)

Post-fire mulching for runoff and erosion mitigation; Part I: Effectiveness at reducing hillslope erosion rates,
, Catena, Volume 105, (2013)
Robichaud_2013.pdf (1.88 MB)

Post-fire bedload sediment delivery across spatial scales in the interior western United States,
, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Volume 39, (2014)
Wagenbrenner_Robichaud_2014.pdf (4.21 MB)

Plot-scale sediment transport processes on a burned hillslope as a function of particle size,
, Proceedings of the 4th Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference and of the 9th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Las Vegas, NV, (2010)
Moody_2010.pdf (131.56 KB)

Nonmarket resource valuation in the postfire environment,
, Journal of Forestry, Volume 106, Issue 6, (2008)
Calkin_2008.pdf (79.06 KB)

Modeling hydrologic and geomorphic hazards across post-fire landscapes using a self-organizing map approach,
, Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 26, (2011)
Friedel_2011.pdf (1.09 MB)

Measurements of the initiation of post-wildfire runoff during rainstorms using in situ overland flow detectors,
, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Volume 40, Issue 8, (2015)
Moody_Martin_2015.pdf (2 MB)

Measurement of post-fire hillslope erosion to evaluate and model rehabilitation treatment effectiveness and recovery,
, International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 14, (2005)
Robichaud_2005.pdf (652.79 KB)

Measurement and prediction of post-fire erosion at the hillslope scale, Colorado Front Range,
, International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 14, (2005)
Benavides-Solorio_2005.pdf (439.13 KB)

Managing for Future Risks of Fire, Extreme Precipitation, and Post-fire Flooding,
, Tucson, AZ, (2016)
Management Briefs: Short-term effects of wildfire on fishes and aquatic macroinvertegrates in the southwestern United States,
, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, Volume 16, (1996)
Rinne_1996.pdf (641.28 KB)

Linking runoff response to burn severity after wildfire,
, Hydrological Processes, Volume 22, Issue 13, (2008)
Moody_2008.pdf (639.85 KB)

Linking Hydraulic Properties of Fire-affected Soils to Water Repellency,
, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 379, (2009)
Moody_2009.pdf (634.47 KB)

JFSP Final Report: Post-fire erosion and effectiveness of emergency rehabilitation treatments over time,
, Fort Collins, (2008)
MacDonald_Robichaud_2008.pdf (401.27 KB)

Interactions of fuel treatments, wildfire severity, and carbon dynamics in dry conifer forests,
, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 349, (2015)
Kent_2015.pdf (698.5 KB)

Integrating soil ecological knowledge into restoration management,
, Restoration Ecology, Volume 16, Issue 4, (2008)
Heneghan_2008.pdf (200.06 KB)

An integrated approach to evaluating the economic costs of wildfire hazard reduction through wood utilization opportunities in the southwestern United States,
, Forest Science, Volume 54, Issue 3, (2008)
Lowell_2008.pdf (728.28 KB)

Initial hydrologic and geomorphic response following a wildfire in the Colorado Front Range,
, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Volume 26, (2001)
Moody_Martin_2001B.pdf (1.84 MB)

Influences of wildfire and channel reorganization on spatial and temporal variation in stream temperature and distribution of fish and amphibians,
, Ecosystems, Volume 10, Issue 2, (2007)
Dunham_2007.pdf (548.86 KB)

Influences of prior wildfires on vegetation response to subsequent fire in a reburned Southwestern landscape,
, Ecological Applications, Volume 26, Issue 2, (2016)
Coop_2016.pdf (1.06 MB)

Infiltration and Runoff Measurements on Steep Burned Hillslopes Using a Rainfall Simulator with Variable Rain Intensities,
, U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report, Number 2007-5211, (2008)
Infiltration and runoff generation processes in fire-affected soils,
, Hydrological Processes, Volume 28, Issue 9, (2014)
Improving stream studies with a small-footpring green lidar,
, Eos, Volume 90, Issue 39, (2009)
McKean_2009.pdf (144.66 KB)

Impacts of erosion control treatments on native vegetation recovery after severe wildfire in the Eastern Cascades, USA.,
, International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 19, (2010)
Dodson_2010.pdf (2.67 MB)

Hyper-dry conditions provide new insights into the cause of extreme floods after wildfire,
, Catena, Volume 93, (2012)
Hydrological and Sedimentologic Response of Two Burned Watersheds in Colorado,
, U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report, Number 01-4122, Denver, Colorado, (2001)
Moody_Martin_2001C.pdf (4.65 MB)

Hydrologic conditions controlling runoff generation immediately after wildfire,
, Water Resources Research, Volume 48, (2012)
Ebel_2012B.pdf (2.17 MB)

Hydrologic and erosion responses to wildfire along the rangeland-xeric forest continuum in the western US: a review and model of hydrologic vulnerability,
, International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 23, (2014)
Williams_2014.pdf (3.24 MB)

How do sediment yields from post-wildfire debris-laden flows depend on terrain slope, soil burn severity class, and drainage basin area? Insights from airborne-LiDAR change detection,
, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Volume 39, (2014)
Pelletier_Orem_2014.pdf (1.51 MB)

Historical and current fire management practices in two wilderness areas in the southwestern United States: The Saguaro Wilderness Area and the Gila-Aldo Leopold Wilderness Complex,
, Number Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-325, Fort Collins, CO, (2014)
Hunter_2014.pdf (7.67 MB)

Hillslope treatment effectiveness monitoring on Horseshoe 2 and Monument Fires,
, Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III and 7th Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts, Number RMRS-P-67, Fort Collins, CO, (2013)
Gibson_2013.pdf (568.97 KB)

Gully erosion after wildfire,
, Proceedings Third International Symposium on Gully Erosion, Oxford, Mississippi, (2004)
Moody_Kinner_2004.pdf (134.49 KB)

Geologic versus wildfire controls on hillslope processes and debris flow initiation in the Green River canyons of Dinosaur National Monument,
, Geomorphology, Volume 81, p.127, (2006)
Larsen_2006_Geomorphology.pdf (1.44 MB)

Fostering post-wildfire research,
, Eos, Volume 95, Issue 4, (2014)
Moody_2014.pdf (54.68 KB)

The flux and particle size distribution of sediment collected in hillslope traps after a Colorado wildfire,
, Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Reno, Nevada, (2001)
Martin_Moody_2001B.pdf (533.55 KB)

Fish and stream habitat risks from uncharacteristic wildfire: Observations from 17 years of fire-related disturbances on the Boise National Fores, Idaho.,
, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 211, (2005)
Burton_2005.pdf (335.91 KB)

Fire-induced water repellency: An erosional factor in wildland environments,
, Land Stewardship in the 21st Century: The Contributions of Watershed Management, Number Proc. RMRS-P-13, Fort Collins, CO, (2000)
DeBano_2000B.pdf (30.44 KB)

The fire pulse: wildfire stimulates flux of aquatic prey to terrestrial habitats driving increases in riparian consumers,
, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Volume 67, (2010)
Malison_Baxter_2010.pdf (1010.49 KB)

Fire effects on herbaceous plants and shrubs in the oak savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands,
, Number RMRS-RP-95, Fort Collins, CO, (2012)
Ffolliott_2012.pdf (2.51 MB)