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An analytical method for predicting postwildfire peak discharges, Moody, J.A. , U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report, Number 2011-5236, (2012) PDF icon Moody_2012.pdf (3.74 MB)
Difference infiltrometer: a method to measure temporally variable infiltration rates during rainstorms, Moody, J.A., and Ebel B.A. , Hydrological Processes, Volume 26, Issue 21, (2012) PDF icon Moody_Ebel_2012.pdf (587.79 KB)
Effects of hydromulch on post-fire erosion and plant recovery in chaparral shrublands of southern California, Hubbert, K.R., Wohlgemuth P.M., and Beyers J.L. , International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 21, (2012) PDF icon Hubbert_2012.pdf (706.34 KB)
Fire and fish: A synthesis of observation and experience, Rieman, B., Gresswell R., and Rinne J. , Climate change, forests, fire, water, and fish: Building resilient landscapes, streams, and managers, Fort Collins, CO, p.159-175, (2012) PDF icon Rieman_2012.pdf (1.01 MB)
Fire effects on herbaceous plants and shrubs in the oak savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands, Ffolliott, Peter F., Gottfried Gerald J., Chen Hui, Stropki Cody L., and Neary Daniel G. , Number RMRS-RP-95, Fort Collins, CO, (2012) PDF icon Ffolliott_2012.pdf (2.51 MB)
Hydrologic conditions controlling runoff generation immediately after wildfire, Ebel, B.A., Moody J.A., and Martin D.A. , Water Resources Research, Volume 48, (2012) PDF icon Ebel_2012B.pdf (2.17 MB)
Hyper-dry conditions provide new insights into the cause of extreme floods after wildfire, Moody, J.A., and Ebel B.A. , Catena, Volume 93, (2012)
Post-fire rill and gully formation, Schultz Fire 2010, Arizona, USA, Neary, D.G., Koestner K.A., Youberg A., and Koestner P.E. , Geoderma, Volume 191, (2012) PDF icon Neary_2012.pdf (1.46 MB)
Soil-water dynamics and unsaturated storage during snowmelt following wildfire, Ebel, B.A., Hinckley E.S., and Martin D.A. , Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Volume 16, (2012) PDF icon Ebel_2012.pdf (6.11 MB)
Tools to aid post-wildfire assessment and erosion-mitigation treatment decisions, Robichaud, P.R., and Ashmun L.E. , International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 22, (2012) PDF icon Robichaud_Ashmun_2012.pdf (1.08 MB)
Are Madrean ecosystems approaching tipping points? Anticipating interactions of landscape disturbance and climate change, Falk, Donald A. , Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III and 7th Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts, Number RMRS-P-67, Fort Collins, CO, (2013) PDF icon Falk_2013.pdf (2.03 MB)
Burned saguaro: Will they live or die?, Narog, Marcia G., Corcoran Bonni M., and Wilson Ruth C. , Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III and 7th Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts, Number RMRS-P-67, Fort Collins, CO, (2013) PDF icon Narog_2013.pdf (595.36 KB)
Current research issues related to post-wildfire runoff and erosion processes, Moody, J.A., Shakesby R.A., Robichaud P.R., Cannon S., and Martin D.A. , Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 122, (2013) PDF icon Moody_2013.pdf (3.53 MB)
Effectiveness of post-fire Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) road treatments: Results from three wildfires, Foltz, Randy B., and , Number RMRS-GTR-313, Fort Collins, CO, (2013) PDF icon Foltz_Robichaud_2013.pdf (5.7 MB)
Evaluating the effectiveness of wood shred and agricultural straw mulches as a treatment to reduce post-wildfire hillslope erosion in southern British Columbia, Canada, Robichaud, P. R., Jordan P., Lewis S. A., Ashmun L. E., Covert S. A., and Brown R. E. , Geomorphology., Volume 197, (2013) PDF icon Robichaud_2013B.pdf (922 KB)
Hillslope treatment effectiveness monitoring on Horseshoe 2 and Monument Fires, Gibson, Carly, Youberg Ann, and Stamer Marc , Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III and 7th Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts, Number RMRS-P-67, Fort Collins, CO, (2013) PDF icon Gibson_2013.pdf (568.97 KB)
Post-fire mulching for runoff and erosion mitigation; Part I: Effectiveness at reducing hillslope erosion rates, Robichaud, Peter R., Lewis Sarah A., Wagenbrenner Joseph W., Ashmun Louise E., and Brown Robert E. , Catena, Volume 105, (2013) PDF icon Robichaud_2013.pdf (1.88 MB)
Post-wildfire erosion in the Chiricahua Mountains, Youberg, Ann, Neary Daniel G., Koestner Karen A., and Koestner Peter E. , Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III and 7th Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts, Number RMRS-P-67, Fort Collins, CO, (2013) PDF icon Youberg_2013.pdf (1.07 MB)
Production and aerial application of wood shreds as a post-fire hillslope erosion mitigation treatment, Robichaud, Peter R., Ashmun Louise E., Foltz Randy B., Showers Charles G., J. Groenier Scott, Kesler Jennifer, DeLeo Claire, and Moore Mary , Number Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-307, Fort Collins, CO, (2013) PDF icon Robichaud_2013C.pdf (6.8 MB)
Rethinking infiltration in wildfire-affected soils, Ebel, B.A., and Moody J.A. , Hydrological Processes, Volume 27, (2013) PDF icon Ebel_Moody_2013.pdf (380.94 KB)
Sediment Availability on burned hillslope, Nyman, P., Sheridan G.J., Moody J.A., Smith Hugh G., Noske P.J., and Lane P.N.J. , Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 118, (2013) PDF icon Nyman_2013.pdf (1.65 MB)
Soil erosion and deposition before and after fire in oak savannas, Ffolliott, Peter F., Gottfried Gerald J., Chen Hui, Kauffman Aaron T., Stropki Cody L., and Neary Daniel G. , Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III and 7th Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts, Number RMRS-P-67, Fort Collins, CO, (2013) PDF icon Ffolliott_2013.pdf (388.05 KB)
Using remote sensing to monitor post-fire watershed recovery as a tool for management, Clark, Jess, Stamer Marc, Cooper Kevin, Napper Carolyn, Hogue Terri, and Kinoshita Alicia , Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III and 7th Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts, Number RMRS-P-67, Fort Collins, CO, (2013) PDF icon Clark_2013.pdf (1.15 MB)
Variations in soil detachment rates after wildfire as a function of soil depth, flow properties, and root properties, Moody, J.A., and Nyman P. , U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report, Number 2012-5159, (2013) PDF icon Moody_Nyman_2013.pdf (6.4 MB)
Characterizing the primary material sources and dominant erosional processes for post-fire debris-flow initiation in a headwater basin using multi-temporal terrestrial laster scanning data, Staley, D.M., Wasklewicz T.A., and Kean J.W. , Geomorphology, Volume 214, (2014) PDF icon Staley_2014.pdf (5.66 MB)
Evaluating pre- and post-fire peak discharge preditions aross Western U.S. watersheds, Kinoshita, A. M., Hogue T.S., and Napper C. , Journal of American Water Resources Association, Volume 50, (2014) PDF icon Kinoshita_2014.pdf (1.09 MB)
Fostering post-wildfire research, Moody, J.A., Martin D.A., Robichaud P.R., and Shakesby R.A. , Eos, Volume 95, Issue 4, (2014) PDF icon Moody_2014.pdf (54.68 KB)
Historical and current fire management practices in two wilderness areas in the southwestern United States: The Saguaro Wilderness Area and the Gila-Aldo Leopold Wilderness Complex, Hunter, Molly E., Iniguez Jose M., and Farris Calvin A. , Number Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-325, Fort Collins, CO, (2014) PDF icon Hunter_2014.pdf (7.67 MB)
How do sediment yields from post-wildfire debris-laden flows depend on terrain slope, soil burn severity class, and drainage basin area? Insights from airborne-LiDAR change detection, J.D., Pelletier, and Orem C.A. , Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Volume 39, (2014) PDF icon Pelletier_Orem_2014.pdf (1.51 MB)
Hydrologic and erosion responses to wildfire along the rangeland-xeric forest continuum in the western US: a review and model of hydrologic vulnerability, Williams, C.J., Pierson F.B., P.R. Robichaud, and Boll J. , International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 23, (2014) PDF icon Williams_2014.pdf (3.24 MB)
Infiltration and runoff generation processes in fire-affected soils, Moody, J.A., and Ebel B.A. , Hydrological Processes, Volume 28, Issue 9, (2014)
Post-fire bedload sediment delivery across spatial scales in the interior western United States, Wagenbrenner, J.W., and Robichaud P.R. , Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Volume 39, (2014) PDF icon Wagenbrenner_Robichaud_2014.pdf (4.21 MB)
A synthesis of post-fire Burned Area Reports from 1972 to 2009 for western US Forest Service lands: Trends in wildfire characteristics and post-fire stabilisation treatments and expenditures, Robichaud, Peter R., Rhee Hakjun, and Lewis Sarah A. , International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 23, (2014) PDF icon Robichaud_2014.pdf (1.02 MB)
Vegetation response after post-fire mulching and native grass seeding, Morgan, Penelope, Moy Marshell, Droske Christine A., Lentile Leigh B., Lewis Sarah A., Robichaud Peter R., and Hudak Andrew T. , Fire Ecology, Volume 10, Issue 3, (2014) PDF icon Morgan_2014.pdf (678.08 KB)
Water source protection funds as a tool to address climate adaptation and resiliency in southwestern forests, McCarthy, Laura Falk , Forest conservation and management in the Anthropocene: Conference proceedings, Number RMRS-P-71, Fort Collins, CO, (2014) PDF icon McCarthy_2014.pdf (1.69 MB)
Wildland fire ash: Production, composition and eco-hydro-geomorphic effects, Bodí, M.B., Martin D.A., Balfour V.N., Santín C., Doerr S.H., Pereira P., Cerdá A., and Mataix-Solera J. , Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 130, (2014) PDF icon Bodí_2014.pdf (6.36 MB)
Evaluation of the post-fire erosion and flood control works in the area of Cassandra (Chalkidiki, North Greece), Aristeidis, K., and Vasikiki K. , Journal of Forestry Research, Volume 26, (2015) PDF icon Aristeidis_Vasiliki_2015.pdf (1.67 MB)
Extreme water quality degradation following a catastrophic forest fire, Dahm, C.N., Candelary-Ley R.I., Reale C.S., Reale J.K., and Van Horn D.J. , Freshwater Biology, Volume 60, (2015) PDF icon Dahm_2015.pdf (2.71 MB)
A field guide for rapid assessment of post-wildfire recovery potential in sagebrush and pinon-juniper ecosystems in the Great Basin: Evaluating resilience to disturbance and resistance to invasive annual grasses and predicting vegetation response, Miller, Richard F., Chambers Jeanne C., and Pellant Mike , Number Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-338, Fort Collins, CO, (2015) PDF icon Miller_2015.pdf (20.52 MB)
Fire effects on aquatic ecosystems: an assessment of the current state of the science, Bixby, R.J., Cooper S.D., Gresswell R.E., Brown L.E., Dahm C.N., and Dwire K.A. , Freshwater Science, Volume 34, Issue 4, (2015) PDF icon Bixby_2015.pdf (253.6 KB)
Interactions of fuel treatments, wildfire severity, and carbon dynamics in dry conifer forests, Kent, Larissa L. Yocom, Shive Kristen L., Strom Barbara A., Sieg Carolyn H., Hunter Molly E., Stevens-Rumann Camille S., and Fule Peter Z. , Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 349, (2015) PDF icon Kent_2015.pdf (698.5 KB)
Measurements of the initiation of post-wildfire runoff during rainstorms using in situ overland flow detectors, Moody, J.A., and Martin R.G. , Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Volume 40, Issue 8, (2015) PDF icon Moody_Martin_2015.pdf (2 MB)
A rapid response database in support of post-fire hydrological modeling, Miller, Mary Ellen, and Elliot William J. , StreamNotes, Fort Collins, CO, (2015) PDF icon Miller_Elliot_2015.pdf (2.03 MB)
Water quality impacts of forest fires, Tecle, Aregai, and Neary Daniel , Pollution Effects and Control, Volume 3, Issue 2, (2015) PDF icon Tecle_Neary_2015.pdf (1.02 MB)


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