Infiltration and runoff generation processes in fire-affected soils,
, Hydrological Processes, Volume 28, Issue 9, (2014)
Rethinking infiltration in wildfire-affected soils,
, Hydrological Processes, Volume 27, (2013)
Ebel_Moody_2013.pdf (380.94 KB)

Difference infiltrometer: a method to measure temporally variable infiltration rates during rainstorms,
, Hydrological Processes, Volume 26, Issue 21, (2012)
Moody_Ebel_2012.pdf (587.79 KB)

Hydrologic conditions controlling runoff generation immediately after wildfire,
, Water Resources Research, Volume 48, (2012)
Ebel_2012B.pdf (2.17 MB)

Hyper-dry conditions provide new insights into the cause of extreme floods after wildfire,
, Catena, Volume 93, (2012)
Soil-water dynamics and unsaturated storage during snowmelt following wildfire,
, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Volume 16, (2012)
Ebel_2012.pdf (6.11 MB)