Post-fire, rainfall intensity-peak discharge relations for three mountainous watersheds in the western USA,
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Linking Hydraulic Properties of Fire-affected Soils to Water Repellency,
, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 379, (2009)
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Spatial Variability of Steady-state Infiltration into a Two-layer Soil System on Burned Hillslopes,
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An analytical method for predicting postwildfire peak discharges,
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Difference infiltrometer: a method to measure temporally variable infiltration rates during rainstorms,
, Hydrological Processes, Volume 26, Issue 21, (2012)
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Hydrologic conditions controlling runoff generation immediately after wildfire,
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Hyper-dry conditions provide new insights into the cause of extreme floods after wildfire,
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Current research issues related to post-wildfire runoff and erosion processes,
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Rethinking infiltration in wildfire-affected soils,
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Sediment Availability on burned hillslope,
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Variations in soil detachment rates after wildfire as a function of soil depth, flow properties, and root properties,
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Fostering post-wildfire research,
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Infiltration and runoff generation processes in fire-affected soils,
, Hydrological Processes, Volume 28, Issue 9, (2014)
Measurements of the initiation of post-wildfire runoff during rainstorms using in situ overland flow detectors,
, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Volume 40, Issue 8, (2015)
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