For Communities, Individuals, and Private Landowners
After the Fire: Resources for Recovery [1]
The After the Fire page provides information on resources offered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) after wildfire. NRCS is available to assist with site specific questions and provide technical assistance for landowners as they begin to restore the landscape following fire. On this site you can learn about financial assistance, how to ensure personal and public safety, manage your risk and protect your property (particularly from soil erosion and insect infestation). Landowners can discover ways to restore and rehabilitate their land with several factsheets on recovery resources.
Surf Your Watershed [2]
Users are able to locate their watershed through searches by zip code, city name, state, or stream. Once you find your watershed, the site provides links to citizen-based groups at work in that watershed, streamflow and water quality data, assessments of watershed health, and science being done in your area. You can contact organizations to find out about cleanups, monitoring projects, restoration projects, and other activities in your area.
The All About Watersheds Information Clearinghouse provides centralized access to ecological, socio-cultural, and economic information related to restoration and maintenance of New Mexicoâs forests and watersheds. Much of the information is relevant to all Southwestern ecosystems. The Clearinghouse functions as a library as well as a shared workspace. Content can be uploaded, organized topically, and searched by users.
After Wildfire New Mexico [4]
This guide was written to help New Mexico communities recover after wildfire. It includes information on how to mobilize your community, a list of resources available to communities and individuals for assistance, and a technical guide with information about post-fire treatments to address the catastrophic effects of wildfire on the land and to prepare for potential flooding. The provided information is relevant to all Southwestern communities.
For Federal Land Managers [5]
The Joint Fire Science Program funds scientific research on wildland fires and distributes results to help policymakers, fire managers, and practitioners make sound decisions. Their mission is to provide credible research tailored to the needs of fire and fuel managers, engage and listen to clients and then develop focused strategic lines of new research responsive to those needs, solicit proposals from scientists who compete for funding through a rigorous peer-review process designed to ensure the best projects are funded, and focusing on science delivery when research is completed with a suite of communication tools to ensure that managers are aware of, understand, and can use the information to make sound decisions and implement projects. Their site provides a library of publications funded by the Joint Fire Science Program and announcements of funding.
Fire Research and Management Exchange System [6]
The Fire Research and Management Exchange System (FRAMES) provides a method of exchanging information and transferring technology among wildland fire researchers, managers, and other stakeholders in an online environment. The FRAMES portal provides essential searchable information, a platform for data sharing and storage, development of new tools, and support to federal wildland fire management agencies in the United States throughout the various stages of wildland fire, including planning, operation, and post-fire monitoring.
Southwest Fire Science Consortium [7]
The consortium is a way for managers, scientists, and policy makers to interact and share science. Their goal is to see the best science used to make management decisions and scientists working on the questions managers need answered. They try to bring together localized efforts to develop scientific information and to disseminate to practitioners on the ground through an inclusive and open process. They encourage participation in field trips and workshops, reading and sharing materials on their website, and/or contributing to the fire conversation by submitting a proposal for an event or product.
Emergency Stabilization Burned Area Rehabilitation [8]
This site provides information on the Department of Interior Emergency Stabilization (ES) and Burned Area Response (BAR) programs. The DOI assembles Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) teams to work on lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the National Park Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The user can access links with information on policies and incident management, as well as guidance and handbooks.